Family of three.

By livingbythesea


A lovely day so far today. The twins were collected early this morning for their weekend at their Dads (the not nice bit of the day). I then had a text asking if I fancied popping out for coffee. So Paul and I headed over to Axminster, we had coffee at the river cottage canteen which was lovely just chatting and watching the world go by. We then had a mooch around the shops and popped in to see Pauls friend who owns the music shop over there. A couple of extra last minute presents got for Jack in there and then we headed off to do a food shop. Got lots of goodies for a yummy picky lunch and then we headed back to Pauls. We have sat for the afternoon watching a film, pottering around and snuggling. It has been so easy, relaxed and just lovely having his company.

We are off out tonight with a friend as both our separate plans have got changed because of bad weather etc we are now going together. Can't wait.

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