In full bloom

It has been a very windy day and apparently the wind is going to get even worse. I had to go to the park this afternoon though to pick fresh dandelion leaves for Rosie because she had run out. Because I'd had an earlier start at work and had finished earlier as well, I was also able to go to the sanctuary and walk one of their dogs. I'd made the effort to take the DSLR with me this time and went back to this Winter Jasmine, which I'd noticed was in full bloom during my walk with Stallone. Its flowers looked so bright and cheerful on this very gloomy day.

Thank you ever so much for all the lovely comments and stars on my 500th blip yesterday, which also hit the spotlight. They are very much appreciated and help me to keep my journal going when I'm finding it quite difficult to do so, mostly due to lack of time because of the preparations for our move.

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