
By earthdreamer

Christmas Cheer

One Street: Market Square, Shipley #90

I was in the office early this morning, so early that having got back late last night I was wondering if there had been any point in going home at all. Perhaps I should buy a little put-me-up for times like these! It wasn't the best of mornings. Bad news on several fronts meant that I was feeling rather fed up with things. However, after a walk around Market Square at lunchtime I arrived back in the office much lighter of heart - courtesy of the lovely people I met. This street portraiture project has a lot going for it. I often find that it can turn my mood around, much like it did on Friday.

The bus shelters were busy places today, those people who might normally loiter around outside being forced in by the wind and rain. I find them great places to take portraits. You have quite a captive audience. Each is like a micro-community of its own, its culture possibly determined by the destination of the next bus. I actually took quite a few pictures around town but I've come back to Sally here because she was such a bright spark and her nifty rain jacket so seasonally colourful. It's definitely the right shot for the journal today. And after a weekend of deep blacks and whites I think a bit of colour is possibly called for. Thanks so much everyone for all the great feedback again yesterday. How am I ever going to catch up?

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