
I am lucky to reside within a hotch potch of friends who are all linked and bound through strange little vines. It is actually less complicated than it once was.

We all used to drink in the pub from when I was a little underage :/

Then in 2002 J and R announced they were pregnant with A. Swiftly followed by myself announcing in 2003 that I was pregnant with DD1. Deftly followed by M and D announcing they were pregnant with A. Quickly followed by C and C announcing they were pregnant with J. All the babies were born within nine months of each other.

They have always seen lots of each other since birth.

Then J and R went for it again and B was born in December 2005. S and A (new to the baby thing) announced they were pregnant and L was born in September 2006 followed by DS1 in November followed by C and C completing their family in March 2007. Again all the children have known each other since birth.

Baby S comes along a little later than the others but making up for it with a rather forceful personality.

J and R have known by husband since school and J sister was my sister in law for 13 years!!! Now I run Razzle Dazzle with J.

C went to school with Husband and has also known J and R forever. He met his C in Wales.

C and C are brother and sister in law to S who I met at school at age 11 and is one of my closest friends and how I met my hubby.

M was my sister in law and has a 16 year old son with my brother in law. She then got together with D who husband has also known since forever and they have A. Sadly they have spilt but remain on friendly terms.

Everyone of these lovely people came over last night and my life is nothing but enriched by them all. Oh my do we laugh.

The children got on so well not a spate of argument between any of them. It was lovely :) x


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