A Christmas Eve service on the beach

Well it's been an awesome day and I'm truly thankful that Martin and I made it through!

Let's just say 'everything' and more got done in time and we even managed to squeeze in a little carolling with our dear 83yr old friend Philip, who got out of hospital yesterday in time for Christmas. He managed to muster up enough energy to sing AND request a few songs. I think we managed to bring him a little Christmas cheer, and some mince pies.

This picture is of an advent wreath that I made a few years ago, along with a friend for our church. We have a Christmas Eve service on the beach, instead of a Christmas Day one ... And this evening we lit the last candle. It was PERFECT weather and it was a very lovely service. The candles looked so pretty.

Then home to a very lively, festive gathering with some of our friends. So good to be able to celebrate with them all and be with our church family. It was an 'open house' gathering .... There were a LOT of people here! We loved it.

Tomorrow, another gathering for an intimate lunch with more dear friends ...

Wishing my very dear blip friends a blessed, peaceful Christmas. May His light and joy truly enrich your lives. Hugs from Hong Kong.

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