Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Naughty or Nice?

Someone is hoping she is on the "nice"list.

A lovely day in Wakefield with lots to eat and plenty of those daft Christmas traditions that all families have.

Just one more sleep to go....

My final Christmas song, and I have saved my favourite. I have loved it since I was a little girl, and used to wait patiently to hear it played on the radio in the run up to Christmas. My Mum told me it could only be played on Christmas Eve and I believed that for years. There have been some great versions of it, notably one by The Boss, but this is the one I loved then and still do now.

May your Christmas be filled with the company of the people you love, and if this is not possible, may it be filled with delicious memories. Happy Christmas, and watch out because Santa Claus is Coming to Town.

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