The Church Quiz

Stranger than fiction...

Teenage Ben (and two of his friends) WANTED to come with us to the early evening family Church service, as it included a Quiz, and they were determined to win. We have been for the last few years and really ought to know the answers by now....

Ben (sitting a couple of rows in front) agreed to let me blip him if I told his team the name of the little boy in "The Snowman" animation....which of you knows that? Easy to remember for me....

Chocolate prizes were involved, but our team (and his) were not victorious, both of us got wrong "How many presents would you receive if you got all of them from the 12 days of Christmas?"

This year I finally noticed that we are on the outside upper end of the target market for this service - how did that happen so fast? But I do like a good sing song and the grandparents liked it too.

Happy Christmas everyone!

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