
By Brookeside

Christmas Eve!

Today we got up very early and dad took lots and lots of bags down to the car. Then we got ready (me in my christmas reindeer outfit) and went to auntie Katie's house where I got to open my present and we gave Ryan his. I got a very cool shopping bag with lots of packets of food and some fruit. You can't eat the fruit though I've tried and its not real fruit! Mum says that was a very lucky present as Santa might be bringing me something that goes well with it! Then after my nap we went to gran and papa's and saw auntie Siobhan snd uncle Stephen as we won't see them tomorrow. I also got to open more presents from them and got a lovely teddy bear, a book and some Jammies. Then it was off again to gran and grandpa's where we dropped in presents for everyone so we didn't have to bring them tomorrow. Once we got home and had dinner, I had a bath then mum and I got into our Christmas Jammies, hung up our stockings and I went to bed all snuggled in to wait for Santa.

we hope that all of our lovely blip friends have a great Christmas and hope Santa is good to you. Lots of love Brooke & her mum and dad xxx

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