My days ...My life

By ElspethAnne

Tiny tree and howling gales

It has been a very stormy day.
It has been a lovely day. Before breakfast the wee one and I made a chocolate cake. Later we decorated it with snowy icing, Christmas trees and a snowman. Sadly when he had a small piece later tonight , his verdict was 'yuck'. He has not been too well with a nasty cough ...can't be anything to do with my cake ! It was lovely to have my Irvine family here for Christmas Eve and we went to the carol service in the chapel here in our village.
Winds howling still.
They are away home now. Today I took photos of the apple pie with the pastry Robin on top , the wee one under the Christmas tree , the moon through the windy trees early as the sun came up ...but tonight my blip is this tiny tree given to us by Maggie 4 years ago when it was 4" tall. Some day it may be our Christmas Tree if we look after it well.
Tonight I am tired.
A friend sent me an email with a link to some really lovely poetry so I have enjoyed some quiet Christmas Eve moments to myself and a mince pie !
It is still blowing a gale .

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