These Things I Love

By candi

My Nephew Stood Me Up!

I had plans to meet with my long lost nephew on Wednesday...

I haven't seen him in years and was looking forward to hooking up with him again.

We were going to meet and have dinner and catch up...the last time I saw him he was just starting junior high and now he's at least 22 years old.

Well we were to meet in front of "Boston Market" and decide where to go.

So I called his cell phone when I left work just to let him know I was on the way and he didn't answer...

I called when I got to Boston Market because he wasn't there and he still didn't answer.

I decided to wait a bit since I was kind of early and sat there for about 30 minutes before I called him again. When I called...still no answer. I sat out in the Boston Market for an hour called him several times no show...


Ah well...I liked the way the sun was shining through the trees and since I had my camera I took a shot.

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