
By Dotty

Colin - Destroyer of Trees

The Christmas tree has proved irksome since the night it was first put up, falling over at regular intervals. I blamed my own inept Christmas tree securing skills: it's tricky getting a top heavy tall thing perfectly upright and then secured in a triangulated screw base thing anyway, trickier when you are doing it on your own, trickiest when allergic to the bloody thing.

Today I found out why...

It's been a lovely day. MrF came by first thing and left just after lunch: the first Christmas we've ever spent together on our own with our children. Lunch was easy and relaxed - duck stuffed with apples and glazed with pomegranate molasses which sounds far grander than the £10 it cost and the 5 minutes it took to prepare. It tasted delicious too.

We went for a walk by the Tweed, the boys got drenched, we warmed up with hot chocolate, watched a film and now they are about to be tucked back up into bed.

I'm so glad I had today. One to keep on the top shelf. Another one - there have been a few of those lately.

Never far from my mind were my chums who couldn't be with their children today. For Pob and Fizzy especially - all my love and huge admiration for surviving this trickiest of days with dignity and panache. xx

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