Future Reflection of Past

By nano

500 !!

Reflecting 500 blips, a diversity of captured moments from the Past - the evolution of my photographic skills - and pondering about the next phase for the Future.

How to achieve a breakthrough to reach higher levels, rather then just continue with the next 500 blips ?
My inaugural words still remain true, but from now on I seek for substantive evaluation and constructive comments and advice, rather than applause.

I thank you all for your kind and lovely comments so far, and I encourage you to continue to support my photographic development as mentioned above.
Special thanks to Pokeybagel, who subscribed at my first blipday and inspired me eversince, and lateron followed by Emmala who challenged me as well. Too many other blippers deserve to be mentioned too ... cannot mention them all here now.

I want to focus on better photography rather than reaching my daily blip deadline.
I want to put more effort and time in individual shots, rather than accepting the luck of one good one out of random many.
I want to read more about photographers, their insights and their techniques.
I joined several photographic workgroups which will require time, I have a pile of books I still need to read and there still are a few courses I want to follow.

So you will still find my blips, but no longer daily. And I will view and comment your blips of course as often as I did so far.
It's like this page 500 of Shakespeare's complete works ... there still are many pages to come ....

I wish you all Merry Christmas and a Prosperous, Happy and Healthy 2014 !

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