a town called E.

By Eej

Ho ho ho!

Harley, despite clear evidence that she IS, shows us how she feels about being called out on being one. "WHAT did you just call me? I'll stick my tongue out at you!"
Because frolicking around in tissue paper makes her so intensely happy I suggested today should from now on be her birthday - since we have no idea where and when she came from we can do that :)

So, while Harley made a complete mess of the bed and didn't let any of the other cats get anywhere near it, we opened presents and watched the continuous loop of A Christmas Story. Like we do every year.
Traditions are wonderful, living, vibrant, adaptable beings - they can be moulded into whatever you want them to be, and I'm grateful to have someone I can make them with. That is more important than anything else. <3

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