Kiasah's Snaps

By Kiasah

Merry Christmas

Hello my blip friends, a very Merry Christmas to you all! I hope everyone has had a wonderful day with their loved ones and most importantly eaten far too much ;)

I just wanted to just touch on my absence. I've had so much going on recently and I just didn't feel I had the energy or the motivation to post anything, and when I do post I feel an obligation to visit and comment on journals which I was also finding difficult time wise.

I never wanted blip to become something I found a chore so I thought it best I just take a break and sort things out before I made a return!

What better entrance than a cheesy photo of the kids in their christmas jumpers! We've had a lovely relaxed day just the four of us :). It was nice to see Seth excited for his presents! I'm a great believer in keeping things simple so we bought him a few of his favourites things all of which he was ecstatic with!

If you've read all this then thank you, and I'm sure you'll all be understanding of my little break :)

Kiasah x

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