Let It Snow!

Been a fantastic day with MIL and FIL for dinner and staying tonight.

Gone are the days when Claire cooked for 16 or so. All the family have grown up and do their own thing now.

We were all set for the three of us to stay at a Hotel or go abroad, when the in laws said they would come for dinner. But it has really been great fun. Totally full with food and TV!

Eleanor and I went to the graveyard to put a sprig of rosemary on our dear neighbours grave, who died last Christmas Day. We decided on rosemary as she was always giving a sprig to Claire for cooking. It was a solemn but nice moment. Said hello to my other neighbour who sadly committed suicide just over a year ago.

Hoping you all had a fantastic day and wish you all a belated Happy Christmas.

Claire and I went shopping yesterday and saw this superb snow display and had to have it.

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