Christmas Day
Awoken by the dog needing to go out too early this morning after last nights over indulgence. Took her for a walk before opening our gifts to each other whilst simultaneously Skyping dad and Susan in Scotland.
A very warm day. Shorts and t-shirt weather over 80
degrees. After tidying up from the party we headed down to spring valley to visit the wife's grandparents and family. The two sets just live around the corner from each other. Grandma hazel is an animal lover and has a plethora of furry and feathered friends (pictured). After dropping of the gifts and a jack in the box (fast food not the traditional toy!) we went around to grandma Irene's. Had some ham and potatoes and a good natter.
Came back home and I crashed out on the sofa. Very unlike me to sleep during the day but I think the last few months excitement is catching up with me.
The wife was madly painting pictures with the new paint sets I bought her and the dog was crashed out with me.
Merry Christmas!
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