Big sky

I captured this cloud formation from my desk on the 7th floor this morning.

It had already dropped it's rain in the mountains. It still had a bit of 'punch' as it entered the plains (far right of picture). I could see the wind and squall but it had nothing left by the time it passed by and about 5 minutes later it had completely dissipated. Nor' westerlies are warm on the plains.

Tradesmen. They blew a fuse in my stove which triggered one set of outdoor security lights to burn brightly in day light. They weren't keen on taking responsibility but I quietly persevered. They did replace the fuse and the boss came round and the lights sort of work. I think I can fiddle them the sensitivity and timing from here. (There is no indoor switch so I couldn't easily reset them). If we also ignore they failed to vacuum the dust and debris before they pushed them back in place they did a good job. The guy who lays the new floor will have to do this.

But the old damaged lino has gone and the concrete is sanded. It looks surprisingly good. I don't know what I expected. There are no bodies, it's smooth and in good nick.

The highlight of today was catching up with my aunt and uncle, Fay (Dad's sister) and Bob. For those of you who think I look like Mum, Fay is the one I most closely resemble. Seeing her walk towards me was uncannily like looking at a different generation of myself. By the time we had dinner and chatted it was suddenly dark and I missed my opportunity for a photo. They depart for home in the north island early tomorrow. It was wonderful to see them.

Cleaning up and restoring order to chaos (there is just a bit too much to comfortably live with) will be the focus of my weekend, but I will relax too.

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