Keith B

By keibr

Night falls...

Actually night had fallen as we got back from our Boxing Day walk but the camera brightened the last glimmerings of dusk in the SW.
SUN!!!!!  The pattern of the last week has been darkness, then grey for a few hours, then dark again, sometimes with a side order of rain! So, it was really good to see the sun for the first time in ages and to see blue skies and clouds. Dawn and dusk last so much longer with a clear sky and increase our daylight hours from 4 to 7 hours.
I hope you have all had a good Xmas and none of you got stuck in airport queues, flooded, blown away etc...
So far we've had a good Boxing Day starting with coffee at sunrise, then a great brunch followed by the walk and as soon as I'm finished here I'm off to prepare dinner as Jan and Claire are indulging in art things in the cottage/studio. I think I'll start with a G&T...
It seems a little late for Merry Christmas and a little early for Happy New Year so I'll go Swedish and wish you "God Forsättning" which means "Happy continuation" (of the festive period!)

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