A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Cold and frosty morning --

- but beautiful blue skies. Would have been perfect for a walk but we still had family to feed before they left on their long journey SW.

The cars were covered in a hard frost and some of the plants in the garden were delicately frosted too as seen here.

Before leaving Grace and John were selecting some of their wedding presents to take home with them (we collected the Highland Stoneware for them and others were delivered to us so they haven't seen them till now. ) They don't want them all just now as they are hoping to be moving into their first house soon so we are storing them. It has been lovely to have them with us over the last 5 days.

Just realised it is a year since I got my iPad. Can't imagine how I managed before!

A chilling Boxing Day now to enjoy, might take a closer look at my presents with a little glass of something. Cheers!

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