Hungarian Émigrés.

Perish the thought that I should bore you with the travails of yesterday's journey back from Budapest. All I will say is that despite everything, we made it back just slightly later than expected despite being held like cattle in a shed without seats or toilets for an hour in Budapest without explanation from Jet2.

Since returning I have been busy catching up on Face Time with my newest grandson, who needless to say is as beautiful as are all new born babies, and hearing news from other family members of their Christmases; four days away from home and so much happening during that time.

With other things on my mind, not least the multitude of post Christmas birthdays requiring the sending of presents and cards before the New Year shut down, I thought the easy way out on the blip front was to give you the immigrants from Hungary who stowed away in my luggage, and who now stand sentinel on my window ledge.

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