Glad to be alive

We travelled home today. Derbyshire to Cornwall – a journey that should take 5 hours. It’s taken almost 8 and I haven’t had my afternoon walk yet.

............But at least we’re alive?! We missed some very serious accidents by seconds and are sure that some families will be receiving very bad news tonight.

Accident 1 – A four car collision on the northbound carriageway of the M5. We were heading south but as the traffic slowed down, we could see that there was at least one person lying on the ground. It had literally just happened and no emergency services were in attendance.

Accident 2 - Traffic on the southbound carriage of the M5 suddenly stopped. We were standstill on the motorway for more than an hour while police cars went whizzing by. And why idiots (mostly in BMWs & Volvo’s) think that they are exempt from being held up by an accident and can drive on the hard shoulder I don’t know?? Anyway less than a 100 metres down the road we spotted a mangled up car which had somehow gone off the road and ended upside down.

Accident 3 - This literally happened parallel to us as we were travelling west bound on the A30. A car exploded into millions of pieces on the east bound carriageway. As we were driving at 60 – 70 mph it didn’t really give us much of a chance to see what happened. So many thoughts went through Ann’s mind in a few seconds. Should we stop, we’re a witness, what have we just seen, can we stop? Obviously we couldn’t just stop because everyone else was going at the same speed and to slam on the brakes would have been downright dangerous and cause another accident. Fortunately a police car was the first vehicle on the scene. When Ann looked in the rear view mirror he’d stopped and put his flashing lights on and a few mins later we saw another couple of police cars racing up the A30. We think what happened was; a car had broken down (because 3-4 people were already standing away from the carriageway), another car/van crashed into the empty broken down vehicle which made it explode – which we think impacted onto another vehicle which was in the outside lane at the time. Not sure. Watching the local news to see if anything has been reported.

There were also quite a few minor accidents and quite a lot of queues & tailbacks around ‘shopping areas’??!!!

Anyway the whole journey home has upset Ann so she’s having a glass of wine. She hasn’t done a ‘first aid’ course in more than 10 years, is not good in a crisis, and is now wondering whether she should add, ‘Do a first aid course’ to her list of ‘Things to do in 2014’??

Anyway, I’m off out for a walk before we watch ‘Eastenders’.

And if anyone is interested in why Ann’s blipped a back view of me - she doesn’t have any other photos – I had a lovely walk with Alfie, the bearded collie, before I left this morning and then went into ‘stalker mode’ when I got back. I sat at the back door and stared at ‘Bracken the bunny’s run’. The only trouble was – Ann’s nephews & niece were still in bed so Bracken the bunny wasn’t actually in his run.

................He was still fast asleep in his hutch. LOL!

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