Jo Co's photo's

By JoCo

End of the wasp season

I'm sure that is the title of a book I read this year. Found this little guy during a worry-induced cleaning frenzy of the nooks and crannies of my house.

It's been a strange kind of a day. I thought I would have a reasonably relaxing day in work, handing over the call cover to a colleague, and maybe spend the day tying up loose ends. Instead, it has been bedlam, too few staff to deal with what our 'customers' treat as just another working day.

To top it all, poor little Daisy had to have an emergency operation and is being kept in the vets overnight. I am beside myself with worry. I just want her home. Empty Bed Tonight

I had been promising myself the treat of a glass of something strong when I finished call. Think I might have a double!

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