
Christmas is now officially over, according to Katie, because today “doesn’t have a name…,” so we’ve tried to dispel the festive torpor a bit (the adults, at least) by dragging ourselves out to see the ‘Pop Art to Britart’ exhibition at the Lakeside. It’s very good – particularly the 60’s and 70’s stuff by David Hockney, Peter Blake, Richard Hamilton, Patrick Caulfield and the like – and I can’t help but think it would be getting a lot more hype were it showing in the Capital… Anyway, nearly there with the other thing…

#2 ‘Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy’ by Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy

A bit of weird one this, with the redoubtable Will Oldham doing his bit for Luddite independence by self-issuing his latest album and only selling it via live shows and small record stores. The music is uncompromising and old-fashioned too - just Billy, his guitar and the songs. It’s actually the perfect companion piece to my worn cassette copy of the first Palace Brothers album and, amazingly enough, the songs are just as good: spare, haunting, funny and moving – music for travelling at night…

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