Wind and Weather

A walk through the woods and you will soon see what damage it can do, quickly or over time. There were several larger trees down too but this shot had some colour which was much needed on a dreich day.

Headed into Cupar this morning and bumped into JB in Lidl. Proudly showed her my new list from my book of lists while we eyed each others shopping! Ignored her sniggers as me and mr Lif had a minor domestic over the number of bags we needed to pay for. Of course Mrs organised had her bag for life. Mr Lif claimed, given the weather, he was doing his bit for global warming ;)

pollyana mode temporarily off. I went somewhere yesterday and saw something I haven't seen for 3 or 4 years. It properly upset me to see something which was once my dream, something I had put hours of thought, blood sweat and tears into in such a state of neglect. I do understand why. I would love to help make it better and I will offer to do so. I am hoping that pride will not mean that offer is refused. I hope that the long term benefits will be seen for those dearest to us. Fingers crossed :(. Pollyana mode back on

This afternoon I back blipped a shed load of summer holiday shots. That fair cheered me up. Katie swept in, had a shower and lined her tum with mac and cheese before heading to the city for a night put with her pals.

Given that its chucking it down and blowing a hooley, I am more than happy to be at home with a movie and a wine

Chin chin blippers x

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