
By BoydMcAdam

Joyeux Noel

I met Vincent some 37 years ago when living for 7 months in Lille as part of my degree course. We struck up a friendship straight away and with an African, Vietnamese and a Belgian we formed an international group united by the French language. Over the years Vincent and I have kept in touch visiting each other on rare occasions. Vincent was last over for my 50th where he performed a traditional recitation which resulted in my head being wetted!

Their daughter has been visiting with us off and on over the past few months and was with us for Christmas. She has travelled around Scotland seeking to improve her English and has been enjoying a warm welcome wherever she has gone.

The whole family - grandchildren included - have come over for New Year and came for lunch before heading to Fife for a few days and back to Edinburgh for Hogmanay.

I opened the door to be greeted by this troupe singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas" with a distinctive French accent, long enough to for me to grab the camera and take this.

The house is now quieter with one or two lovely wines to be laid down and a gently aroma of ripe cheese filling the air.

Long Live the Auld Alliance!

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