Christmas Flax

It is always around Christmas that the Flax flowers, and this morning The Bossess remarked on how good it looked and the Boss’s phone leapt out of his pocket. The weather is predicted to pack up a bit and those in the North Island will be getting their parade rained on for sure.

Wanaka, being a lake, attracts heaps of holiday folk with boats and the sound of dollars flowing from exhausts can be heard all day where we live but is always very quiet if it is bad weather. After all who want’s to water ski in the rain…You just get a wet wetsuit and no fish says The Boss. Not sure what the fish has to do with this but what would I kno.
I would go swimming ANY time wet or fine, just chuck the stick and I’ll be flying.

Ok just off to check my Thunder Shirt before the booze and fireworks flow later tonight.

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