Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench


No more sofa based sloucha-chocolate-a-thon for me, it was a mass tidy up for visitors, the kind of throw everything in a cupboard and worry about it later kind of tidy up. Well it is later and I am worried, particularly about dumping the Christmas chocolate mountain into the boiler cupboard....it gets very hot in there.

But to the gathering and it was lovely to have old friends (less of the old) and some of their nearest and dearest round. I always get panicky about gatherings as I am the hostess with the least -( likely to succeed at cookery school) -ness, so I cheat or more likely get Dave to do it

15 of us chit chatting, with any nerves soothed away by a glass or two from the off, nice to see Wendy's eldest and Sharon's other half. Here is Dave 1 and Dave 2, probably trying to out-do each other keeping the girlies amused. Get better soon Kimberley Louise!

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