Wild Brooks

Absolutely glorious day. Set off to have lunch at the RSPB at Pulborough Brooks, followed by a walk in the reserve. It was crowded, we had to park farther out than we ever have in summer. Lunch wasn’t an unreserved success, though we have always enjoyed the food there in the past. Parts of the reserve were flooded and we couldn’t reach our favourite hide. We stopped at a viewpoint busy with the kind of know-it-all twitchers you can do without, and noisy kids. Naturally the only bird braving that lot was a robin.

Shortly afterwards, the rain started coming down fast. We legged it back to the car. Our total spot today was 2 robins, a blackbird, and 6 geese flying past. Not the most satisfying of days, but still one of the most beautiful wetlands we’ve seen. Apart from the pond in the foreground, water in the pic is all floods, acres of it.

The most satisfying aspect of the day is that I've reached 730 blips! Not consecutive due to circumstances, but still a pretty nice landmark. Thanks to you guys for all your encouragement and lots of blip friendship. It spurs me on more than you know.

Quick notette about the RSPB – it was formed in 1889 to try to counter the increasing and barbarous trade in exotic plumes (eg bird of paradise and egrets) for women’s hats in the late Victorian era.

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