Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

New Shoes

Early start today as I wanted to get my first pair of running shoes. Headed into the West End to Run & Become. Great shop. The staff took the time to go through a few pairs with me and explained what they were doing and why.

After that I came home to find out that our friend isn't well enough to come up at the moment. Her latest lot of Chemo is fighting back. Hopefully she will be well enough to make New Year, even if we have to go and collect her.

Took J's parents to the airport and then headed up town after a bit of lunch.
J also got a new pair of running shoes. I found a new pair of slippers at Tiso while J got some new boots for going to work in the snow.

After that it was a quick trip to Go Outdoors for some lycra running trousers before heading home to watch the last ever episode of House. A bit disappointing in the end.

A quiet night in watching TV now we have the flat to ourselves.

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