
By TinyR

The Lost Art of Writing Letters

Inspired by something a friend suggested a couple of years ago (and I totally forgot to ever do) and an ill-fated present swap (more to come), I thought it would be cool to send some proper post next year, so last night, I contacted some of my friends on Facebook to see if they would be up for agreeing to swap mail this coming year. A few got (excitedly) back in touch and I can't wait to get started!

Anyway, back to the inspiration... In November this year, I signed up to do a care package gift swap with a magazine I read and I was super excited when I got the address and name of my fellow swapper. We exchanged a couple of emails about sending the packages. I sent my gift; she sent nothing, not a thing. Regardless, I am undeterred and if anything, this makes me want to send post more, to people who will respond and be excited to do so.

I will be blogging about my efforts here. It would be cool if you stopped by.

The photograph shows the stamp on an old postcard that I found at home many years ago. The writing is hard to read, due to it being written in pencil, but it looks like it was sent to my gran or great-gran on my mum's side.

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