
By SwissRoll

One day like this a year would see me right

A walk with Dylan in Morges, a town along the lake, lots of migrating ducks including these 2 that we do not see very often. I will look them up in my big book of birds later to see what they are: speckled ducks ?

Back home, a few odd jobs and the out for a run in the rain. Wasn't going to do a long one, but felt good and I like running in the rain. So 19k, which means 50 over the last 3 days, and most important, objective of 3000 km met for the year with 3 days to spare. And this very upllifting song by Elbow was playing on my ipod over the last kilometre. Have to admit I approached home with my arms held aloft.I have never run so far in a year.

Pasta and red wine to celebrate.

3,001.38 km
Temps:271:24:02 h:m:s
Compteur: 216 Activités
Gain d'altitude: 29,309 m
FC moy.: 134 bpm
Distance moy.: 13.90 km

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