A jaunt

Corin and I went to Ramsbottom to a little blip meet with DramaQueen and Fisherking.

Aside from the scarily steep roads and helpful parking, it was a jolly afternoon.

Ramsbottom station is a step back in time - part of the East Lancashire Railway - just a wonderful little bit of history.

Certainly Corin and I were chuffed to bits to see the steam train being topped up with water before heading off with passengers. We stood on the bridge - I had the sense to step to one side, Corin went for the full on steam experience! Nothing beats the noise (apart from maybe the sound of the TARDIS, but that's not real!)

We also met with a real character - we were stood admiring his motorbike and he was just returning to it. It was a 1936 AJS 350. It was just beautiful and he was just hilarious. Could have talked to him all afternoon!

Still defrosting, 5 hours later, but well worth it. Thank you guys :-)

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