Men (and Women) At Work!

My long-awaited tables were delivered from Ikea yesterday. I've been wanting these for ages, and it's my Christmas/Birthday combo present from my Mum and Dad. As is always the case, my Dad was happy to buy them, less happy to have any part in the installation process!

The large boxes were delivered to their house, which meant they needed loading into my car to get home. They didn't fit. Luckily Shelle has a a big car, so we managed to ram them in there for the 90 second drive to my house. We weren't sure if we were going to do it today, but luckily Shelle and Nick were looking for a project, so after they refuelled at home, they came over brandishing their tools! And milk and biscuits :-)

We got off to a good start. All the bits were there, and the large glass that fits into the top was perfect too. Unfortunately, as soon as Nick started building, and it vaguely resembled a table, he discovered that a piece was actually detached from where it should be. Sigh. Cue frantic phone calls to my mum, and thinking we would have to abandon today and wait for them to collect and send a new one. In the end I picked up my dad and brought him round to have a look, and it turned out this piece was fixable. Happy days. 2 hours later I have two lovely tables that are just perfect! Thanks to my brother-in-law, who I never realised was so handy with his tools! And he didn't shout at us or ask us to help, although Lord knows, we tried!

Mostly, I actually really enjoyed having them over. I am so used to going out to see everyone else, that I spend my time here alone. So it was a bit strange in silly ways, like making 3 cups of tea instead of one! Must make this part of my New Year's Resoultion :-) Or perhaps Revolution. !

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