...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!

Today we are at the coast in Nana and Grandpa Mikey's new beach house celebrating dad's birthday. Auntie Sass and Uncle Chad are here too.
We tried to go crabbing this morning but the tide was too low so we went to have a yummy seafood brunch instead. We enjoyed a nice walk on the beach while Miles napped and then opened presents when Miles woke up. Here are the boys sitting on the swinging bench on the deck of the new house.
Miles also enjoyed watching a movie with Grandpa Mikey and then even got to open another Christmas present from Uncle Chad and Auntie Sass...which was his first personalized duck caller. Thanks for that, guys. I'm glad it's not a drum set at least :)
Happy Birthday Mitchell Dean. xoxo

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