Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Christmas Leftovers

It's time for me to get the Christmas decorations wrapped in tissue and packed in storage tubs, but I didn't accomplish that today. So I simply enjoyed the color and the beauty of the holiday decorations.

This morning the sales rep who had sold us the artificial turf for the back yard was coming to inspect the job and to get payment. I could not believe that the "lawn" was installed on November 15th and it was not until today, that the inspection happened and our payment was received. I actually sent a text to the rep last week to explain that an inspector had not come and that we still needed to submit payment. So today was the day. We have found the people at EasyTurf to be wonderful to work with and we were amazed that they waited so long for payment. We really like their product. Our backyard looks wonderful.

For our evening dinner we finished the leftovers from our big Christmas meal. I usually don't like leftovers, but this was pretty darn good.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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