
At last, a more restful day. I spent the morning entering data - I'd almost been suffering from withdrawal symptoms over the Christmas break. Then, as it was a wonderfully sunny afternoon, I took Rosie up to Ring Haw. It was very peaceful, and we saw quite a lot of wildlife, mostly distant, including a fox, a herd of fallow deer, bullfinches, redwings, fieldfares and a soaring red kite.

I decided to walk back through two fields that were being grazed by a herd of young Highland cattle. This proved to be a bit of a mistake, as they were very inquisitive and rather rambunctious. Rosie and I couldn't hurry as the ground was treacherously poached, with a good depth of slippery mud, so I kept them at bay with my monopod. I know they had no evil intent, but it can be quite intimidating when the herd surrounds you. Fortunately Rosie was impeccably behaved and we escaped quite unharmed, though with very muddy feet!

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