
By SoozieSoo78

Christmas Card

I'm never spending Christmas away from home again. This sucks! I'm not even sure it would be any less rubbish if I was in a country that I liked. No one mentioned Christmas when I was off to live my dream! I know it's just a day so for the first time in my whole life I can't wait for it to be over. I'm so homesick.

We did the tubing today. We thought it would be a nice chilled out thing to do. Chilled turning out to be the operative word! The scenery on the river is stunning. There are only 3 bars with loud music trying to drag you in so once you are past them its a lovely journey down the river. But it's really slow! Took us hours even when we were paddling and it got pretty cold.

Unfortunately we lost the waterproof camera on the trip. If fell into the river and we couldn't find it. So lost the pictures we took and were going to use for today’s blip. However, I got this card from my sister this morning. She gave it to Ewan before we left in June so I had it on Christmas morning. Was a lovely surprise.

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