An afternoon of naughtiness!

Ann’s had a lovely day just slobbing around doing domesticated chores, sorting stuff out, doing a supermarket shop and catching up on the ‘soaps’. Ann is a bit OCD about having things neat and tidy for the start of the New Year. Tonight she’s going to do a load of cooking so that the freezer is stocked up with yummy things to eat. Well anything has to be better than the Co-op pizza that she ate at 10.30pm last night after working all day and going to the panto in the evening.

Anyway the reason I’m telling you what Ann has been up to all day is; I don’t feel as though I’ve had enough attention today. And if I don’t get enough attention, I start looking around for naughty things to do. That soon gets me some attention!!!!

So......... this afternoon off we went to the beach for my walk. There were loads of people down on the beach. St Ives is full of holiday makers who are here for New Year. Well, that was a little bit annoying because I’m used to having the whole beach to myself at this time of year. However Ann reminded me that if holiday makers weren’t here, she wouldn’t have a job and then she wouldn’t be able to afford all the lovely treats she gives me!!!

Anyway below is a list of naughty things I have done in the last 3 hours:

1. Had two little poos instead of one big poo. OK, that’s probably too much information. Ann had to carry two poo bags the whole length of the beach.
2. Chased surfers into the sea.
3. Chased kayakers into the sea.
4. Stole a ball off some boys who were playing cricket. Well that was Ann’s fault for not bringing me my bouncy ball to play with.
5. Played ‘chase’ with three of my doggies friends but didn’t come back the minute Ann called me. Well just because she’d finished talking to their owner; that didn’t mean us doggies had finished playing.
6. ‘Evil eyed’ a spaniel that was walking on the opposite side of the road to me.
7. Attempted to ‘kill’ a skateboarder - but I was on my lead so couldn’t get to him.
8. Got home around 4.30pm and leapt around in ‘hyper mode’ until Ann gave me my dinner. I don’t usually get my dinner until 5pm.
9. Gobbled up my dinner so quickly that 5 mins later I was sick. Again TMI Fortunately Ann was even quicker and stuck a newspaper on the floor in front of my mouth!!!!
10. Played with my squeaky snake. It has five different sounding squeaks and I squeaked them all constantly for about 2 mins. Well Ann shouldn’t have bought me a squeaky snake if she didn’t want me to develop my musical abilities?!!

Exhausted now. Lying zonked out in my bed.
Obviously I might have to get up again and lie right next to the cooker if Ann is going to be doing ‘creative’ things with chicken & mince!!!!!

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