Great Grandad

4years 68days

we decided that because we had the hire car for the week and because we found an affordable priced apartment and because mummy, grandad and granny could all take the time off, we would go see my grandad. Katie's great grandad. She was 4 months old the last time he saw her. Quite a difference. And such a very special afternoon. She adored "MY greatgrandad" and while she kept a close eye on her grandad, she didn't want to leave Great Grandad's sight. She loved playing with all their singing Christmas decorations and with their toy cleaning set that they have for the grandkids. We met my "baby" cousin who is now 2 for the first time. Taylor and Katie got along so well. We had a lovely carvery dinner. Then we had our first stay in a hotel with G&G. Such an adventure for a small girl, she did not want to go to bed!

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