Saturday: Final Fish Fling

K's brother left today to go back home to the Lake District and we had a final busyish day, making sure K's mum has everything she needs until K. goes back to the UK in four weeks time.  Amongst other things, we did a clean for her and got in some shopping.  

We had to go back to the shops anyway, as K. decided yesterday she was going to make a Victoria Sponge for her mum.  The only thing we actually remembered to buy for the cake was the cake tin - and the wrong one at that.  It was the kind of tin that would have meant that the cake would have had a soggy bottom so that had to go back - and everything else had to be bought.  Anyway, aforementioned cake turned out a success.

And, for our final evening in the UK, another fish and chip blow out.  Here you have fried fish, battered sausages and battered potatoes - all healthy stuff!  

We have a very (very!) early start in the morning so it was bedtime at 8pm.  I haven't done that since I was about 6!

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