
By obsesivcreativ


It wasn't until recently that it was pointed out to me about the fact that I do have obsessive tendencies, as I always used to think I was a pretty chilled out person. But besides the fact that I get extremely twitchy if I'm not creating at some point in the day, the other part of my obsessive nature is expressed by the fact that all my mugs have to have a 'friend'! So if a mug has been bought, it quickly has to have an accompanying friend and only used as part of this pairing, it can not be used unless it's friend is available. This doesn't just apply to our mugs, but the children's too. Their cups can not be issued to them unless they all are in the correct grouping. Unfortunately, my obsessiveness doesn't extend to other parts of my life (as far as I'm aware), as it would be great if I was obsessed with keeping my house clean and tidy, but unfortunately for my family, I can always find something better to do!

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