Sunday Skies: Rainy day with an Eagle
For the last Sunday Skies challenge with a participation list, the prospects did not look too promising. I was sitting on our porch that overlooks the river, just finishing a late breakfast when I looked out and saw what I guessed was a bald eagle on the top of a utility pole. I only guessed this because I have seen one there before, but the bird was too far away to be able to tell with just my eyes. I went and got my camera. I knew the superzoom lens would tell me if it was an eagle or not - and it was!! So I stood in the doorway of the porch (Floridians call it a lanai) for about 10 minutes trying different settings and taking photos. Because this is a collage of 3 photos it does not show the settings below, but they were f/5 to f/5.6, all 100 ISO and between 1/320-1/640. They ranged from 62mm to 144mm in focal length. I was glad I could get some pictures in the rain! You might like the LARGER view too.
I (almost) forgot to mention that it is possible this eagle nests at a place nearby. There is an eagle cam on a nest nearby and 2 baby eagles have recently hatched! Actually, I don't think that is where this eagle belongs, it is too far away. But Steven says we do have an eagle's nest about 1 and 1/2 miles from our home.
I had to laugh that here it was grey, grey skies and raining at the time I was taking these photos and yet an eagle blessed me with his presence to make this a much more interesting sunday skies! I have visited all your skies and must say they are great! Here is a list of who has participated this week, please give them a visit.
Rower2012 – Australia
Miffy – New Zealand
Bright & Beautiful – UK
Art Quilter Pictures – Scotland, UK
Trisharooni – Australia
Beckett – Australia
Kangaroo – Australia
John39 – UK
My 2013 Challenge (Honeycombebeach) – England, UK
Paladian – Australia
Jaydee73 – Portugal
Croft16 - Scotland, UK
SadlerStar – Channel Islands
Kath Gordon – UK
Cloudscapes (Irisinthesky) – UK
365 Plus (riversider) – UK
MrsL – UK
Gitama’s World – Australia
Aneli – Oregon, USA
DoingOk – USA
Jillian’s Journal – New Zealand
Richie Boo - UK
Thank you ALL!!
Now, just because I won't be making a list of participants any longer, does not mean we cannot keep on blipping Sunday Skies! I plan to continue and I know many of you are planning to as well. To keep going with this, or join in if you are new to the challenge, all you need to do is to tag your blip SundaySkies (all one word) in the box below your description of your photo. That will send it here on this page, which is a collection of SundaySkies photos that have been tagged. Any questions, just ask and thank you for making my first challenge so successful!
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