The missing .....

..... Iridium satellite flare.

I've travelled back up to Yorkshire by train today and am feeling a bit better after the last few days of illness. I've eaten next to nothing for the last three days but don't feel at all hungry, I must be living off my plentiful fat supply.

As I've not taken a geeky satellite photo for a while I thought I'd have a go at capturing a photo of a flare from Iridium 54 which should have been fairly bright this evening just after 5pm. I set everything up, took a quick trial shot and then 35 seconds before the flare was due to appear triggered the timer on my camera, ran in to position and pointed to the spot in the sky where the flare was due to appear.....

.... there was no flare. I suspect the cloud was a bit too thick for the flare to show through, although you can see the star Vega right at the very top of the photo ( the flare would have been about three times brighter than Vega ). I decided to blip the photo anyway as a 'one that got away' blip. My alternative blip choice for today also involved clouds, but today's blip is .....

..... The missing Iridium satellite flare.

Some satellites that didn't get away.

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