Up close and textural....

I've spent some time on the second in the 100 variations series....see here for #1. Each one i do will have some major difference; ie, different kind of paper, with or without an underpainting, etc....the second one i did on an unsanded paper and i stayed in a cool range of pastels (with some other colours for contrast). The overall piece isn't that good, it needs something....but i loved the textures you can see - so here is a very small piece of a larger painting!

My day has been fine....other than having to clean up after a totally delightful, but messy family, i've spent time browsing and downloading videos for pastel instructions etc....i love gathering my 'research' and then delving into it all later. It usually takes me just over an hour to clean and prepare the Spruce cabin for new guests.....today i spent almost 4, and Terry pitched in for the last hour! this family have been here many times....and we forget that they usually leave a god awful mess! Well no wonder, they have 3 small children, and it's a small space! so no judgements, no worries.....just a reminder of how much work young kids are! how did i do it???? unpopped popcorn everywhere, candies that obviously exploded out of some small box...everywhere!!! the furniture rearranged and taken apart (futons), just a real mess! anyway, it's done now and i'm glad we headed over there the day before the next people are due to arrive!

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