The Wrong Place

It was a lovely morning.
So this afternoon SWMBO, No1 son, daughter-in-law and I went over to Falkirk to see The Kelpies.

I have to say, photographically they are in the wrong place.
Hard up against the motorway on one side with pylons and power lines on the other.
Maybe when the visitors centre is built you will be able to get a clear shot.
But maybe not.

Typical of course - the lovely light died just as we got there.

So we went to see if there were still lights on at the Falkirk Wheel.
There weren't.
They had a problem.
But just in time they managed to get them to come on although they were unable to get them to change colours.
But that was fine.

They have the 1/15th scale (I think) Kelpies at the wheel ....... and they are in the wrong place too!!!!!

The designer intended that the sculptures be on either side of the canal where it meets the river.
Well, the power lines have put paid to that idea and they have had to build a bit of false canal between them.
The scale models could have been so easily placed on either side of the canal below the Wheel ............ they aren't - they are a few yards away tucked against the back of the visitor centre.

Very poor shoe I have to say.

Pictures of both venues are HERE

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