From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

It's raining!!

Taken from inside the nice warm confines of Starbucks. It has rained all day it hasn't stopped!! We have shopped until we could take it no more.

We have found the best fast food restaurant ever called Shake Shack people queue to get in and being the sheep we are we had to find out why?? Well my goodness it is the best take our burger ever and the shake was to die for, they do a frozen custard one. I am gonna come back home the size of a whale!!

Anyways we are back in our room drying out, we looked like 4 drowned rats walking through the lobby dripping water all over their floor.

So tomorrow they tell me it's going to be dryer!! I hope so because I didn't get to use the camera much today this was taken on my new little lens.

:) x

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