Day 3 in NZ

Skate boarding Agnes style!

We are beginning to think we have brought a couple of things with us from the UK

- rain, there has been plenty of it
- power cuts

We arrived back Saturday night after a lovely evening with Maddie's family to find the main electrical cable hanging off the front of the house. Surprisingly the power was on, the electricity board were called and when they arrived they turned the power off as there was a high risk of sparks which isn't good any time but especially not as it is a weather board house.

So today was showers and breakfast at Maddie's parents then waiting for an emergency electrician who when he came out said nothing could be done until he picked up some parts Monday morning.

Good job Chris received a really nice gas barbecue for Christmas!

TBC tomorrow .......

P.S. as you can see Agnes loves her dad's skateboard which we brought over and has her own unique way of using it.

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