In My World

By JoanneInOz

A Myna Melody.

This funny looking little creature is an Indian Myna, an imported species of bird, who is often regarded as a pest for some reason. Apparently they have been reported to breed like rabbits, steal food left right and centre from all the other birds, have the manners of flying rats, have unpleasant singing voices, make nests in inappropriate places, etc, etc, etc....

I personally find them quite cute. And timid. They only visit my garden during the summer months. The most Mynas I have ever seen in my garden at one time would be six, maximum, but there are usually only one or two about. They are very polite at the bird feeding table. We have not spotted an inappropriately placed nest, ever. And these clever tiny parcels of brown feathers can mimic the birdsong of other visiting birds like no others.

Look at this little guy go! Here he is, centre stage palm leaf, serenading the kookaburras, native miners, honeyeaters and lorikeets whilst they enjoy their evening meal, hence his funny expression and ruffled brown suit feathers .

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