S1 - Another Day

By S1

Meeting little F

Today we headed over to K&P&O's to meet their new little baby F, who is only a few days old. He is a really sweetie and is being a good boy, eating and sleeping when he should, so his mum can keep getting some much needed rest! We are so luckily that F decided to arrive near his due date or we would have missed out on cuddles!

CJ was very well behaved so was allowed to help K open the card and gift for F.

We only stayed a very short time as we needed to get on the road to pick S2 up from his work - his last day in the office. It was then straight to the truck rental yard to pick up the rental truck that we would be using to drive north.

Once home CJ had a heap of fun running around in the empty truck before we started packing all our gear in!

A very busy day for our last full day in Twyford.

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