
Dictionary definition No 1: A violent or turbulent situation!

Stormy, strong winds, blown
sunlight, rainbow, so, so cold
indoors warmth recovery

© Things Beautiful

It was very, very wet last night and I woke up this morning to floods up to the curb on the other side of the road at the bottom of the close I live in. Popped out for some milk mid morning and by the time I came back the sun was out but the winds were still strong. Oh and whilst I was outside, we suddenly had a rainbow, but I didn't have the camera in my hand! It came and went in an instant...

An attempt at using the fish eye lens on this camera :)

Day off today, lots of intentions but nothing much done, so must do a few jobs now!

Tomorrow I am working in the morning, then sleeping, then doing a full night shift with Street Pastors, so commenting will be rather behind whilst I catch up with myself on New Year's Day! On holiday (staycation) from 1st until 6th January :)

Happy Monday folks :)

UPDATE Just discovered I have yet another Gold for Camera School (Blurred Water) :)

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